Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Day, Another Doctors Appointment

I am going to be having an MRI done on my shoulder in about an hour, and it is safe to say I am somewhat nervous. I don't care about the machine but I do care about the whole "we're-going-to-inject-you-with-dye-using-a-giant-needle" thing. I am trying so hard to put on my big girl pants! Luckily, I have a big bag a Kisses I am bringing so I can eat away my nerves. Sound good? More to come....

Sunday, January 8, 2012


So here's the story: I was in rehearsal on Friday and somehow managed to fall, out of no where, in a turn. On the way down I stretched out my left arm to try and break the fall, which did not work. Instead it hit at an odd angle and slid out from underneath my body causing something in my shoulder to pop or roll. I'm still not sure exactly what happened. I am still in pain and discomfort and decided to come home to see a doctor. I will be flying back home tomorrow so we can figure out what is going on! Advil and an ice pack has been my best friend the past two days. Seriously, only I could manage to fall in such a way. Honestly.