Thursday, August 18, 2011

The World of Ballet Shoes

I just now noticed (the day I am leaving of course. Some things never change.) that I need leather ballet shoes when all I have is canvas. Thank  goodness for the internet! I began looking on Discount Dance, thinking there wouldn't be a very large selection. Wrong. There are 20 different types of women's leather split sole ballet shoes. Yes, I took time and counted only the women's split sole leather ballet shoes. Cause I can. Some have arch support, some have special lining, some have heel cushions, some have canvas arches, some have durable thread, some have antibacterial lining, some absorb sweat, some run small, some run larger, and list goes on and on. How in the heck do I pick? Oh the dilemmas of being a dancer..... how about some old fashion eenie meenie miney moe to solve the problem? Does anyone know what "eenie meenie miney moe" even means or where it came from? If so, I'd love to know!

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