Friday, September 30, 2011


It has been awhile but all for good reason. I have been through a good bit the past week or so (to say the least). First of all my mom came last Thursday (not yesterday) on a little visit that turned out to be a little longer than expected. She was planning on coming to stay Thursday-Monday. Planning. Well Sunday she decided to stay until Tuesday and I could not have been more happy! Not gonna lie, I had an emotional break down just thinking about her leaving. Monday rolls around and I just wasn't feeling very good during my first class. Then it got worse during the break. Even worse in my next class. I was debating on whether or not to go home and got to the point of being miserable so decided it would be best to leave. My mom came and picked me and it went down hill from there. I got back to the house without getting sick but the rest of the night was not as lucky. I'll spare you the details. My mom cancelled her flight again because she didn't want to leave her baby so sick. And man was I sick. The next day I barely out got of bed and my diet consisted of soup, jello, and crackers. Yum yum. The next day, Wednesday, I started to feel like a human again and could eat real food without my stomach feeling too bad. I did not go to dance that day either because I didn't want to push too hard and have a relapse. My mommy rebooked her flight for Thursday and actually left that time. It was too hard to say good bye. Yes, I cried. Oh! Let me go back to Sunday. My aunt was throwing a friend a baby shower and my mom and I volunteered to go get the cake. Bad choice. We treated that cake like it was a priceless artifact and when we arrived at the house the top on fallen over....the gasps were intense when we took the top off and saw it had slide off into the side of the box. I thought my aunt and my mom were going to cry. We called Publix right away and they said to bring it in and they would fix it. Which they did! The second time we got it back in one piece and it was raved about to the shower. My mom and I spent the rest of the day together. Good times. I love my mommy very much. I am so excited about Thanksgiving because I get to see my whole family and all my friends! It will be magically for sure. Anyways, have a wonderful weekend :)

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